
Showing posts from March, 2020

Our days are changing

Today is March 23rd 2020 Our days are different now... people are running around crazy, they are scared and frantic. I completely and whole heartedly believe we will look back on these days and we will be talking about them for years. This year might change how we do things forever! I don't want my blog to be about doomsday talk, I want to talk about inspiration! There are two ways to look at things, we could look at situations with a cup half full viewpoint, or we can look at it in a cup half empty viewpoint! I choose to do the first! I know with my faith in my religion that we will prevail! I am also left with my creative, inspiring way of viewing life, which leads me to create amazing stories. I feel I have been blessed over the last few years with the ability to receive ideas through my dreams. I have a few good books waiting to come forth, but I feel I need to get through my last two classes in college before I can move forward. I have already completed the timeline for My...

Nice to meet you!

Hi, My name is Shana! I'm the author of "Mystical Bounty part one" I have been writing this book for the last three years! With everything that has been going on in my life, I will admit that it wasn't a constant process. I took a LOT of breaks! I'm a mother and a wife first, but also a student. I will be receiving my Bachelors degree in Business management from The University of Phoenix online in June! I have been in college for the last six years! My writing began when I was young. As a young child I used to love playing pretend, like most children. As I got older I found that I enjoyed writing poems and short stories. At the age of fifteen, I wrote my first novel. It was a fantasy fiction novel about vampires. I never did publish that book, and sadly, I lost track of where it is now. I found myself very discouraged by all of the family issues that I had in my life. My life took a rocky turn when I turned eighteen I gave birth to my first baby! My daughters ...