Our days are changing
Today is March 23rd 2020
Our days are different now... people are running around crazy, they are scared and frantic. I completely and whole heartedly believe we will look back on these days and we will be talking about them for years. This year might change how we do things forever! I don't want my blog to be about doomsday talk, I want to talk about inspiration! There are two ways to look at things, we could look at situations with a cup half full viewpoint, or we can look at it in a cup half empty viewpoint! I choose to do the first! I know with my faith in my religion that we will prevail! I am also left with my creative, inspiring way of viewing life, which leads me to create amazing stories.
I feel I have been blessed over the last few years with the ability to receive ideas through my dreams. I have a few good books waiting to come forth, but I feel I need to get through my last two classes in college before I can move forward. I have already completed the timeline for Mystical bounty part TWO! I completely believe that it will be done before the end of the year 2020, then I can move on to my next book!
Sneak peek of my next few books: I don't want to tell too much.. but I will give a little insight into the mind of SL.Bradley!
Intelligence vs. Love. - This story is a love story involving an AI
Broken Memories.- This is a story about a child meeting his deceased grandparent in a dream.
Flavors of forever.- This is a story about mysterious ice cream, and once eaten transports you....
Forbidden love.- This is a tragic love story about a couple on the run from their family.
All of these dreams, with my recent story included.. came from dreams that I have had. When I dream, my dreams are almost as if I am sitting in a movie theater watching them play out. Sometimes they are so intense that I am actually the characters in the storyline and I wake up with a great sense of feelings towards the characters. I have had these kinds of dreams since I was a young child. I just recently started to document them in detail so that I can transport myself back to the dream and turn it into a story.
I have had other dreams as well... these dreams are more faith based. Dreams of crashing planes and myself helping people towards salvation. I haven't documented these to turn into books because that isn't the line of books I wanted to write. But I don't know.. I might change my mind.
Moving on to a different point.. I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur, I just never knew for what. Till just this year my eyes have opened. I am going to do this, by writing books! Why? Because that is a business! That is a career! Its something ive always loved so why not!? Its not a very lucrative career right away, but its something I absolutely love! While looking into publishing my book via audiobooks, I also learned that being a audio actress/producer is a thing! Which leads me to tell you, there are so many options out there that we don't even know about yet!
Well, now I'm looking into doing that! You can do that from a home studio, which could be something as simple as a closet, or you can do it from an actual studio.
Take away I want to give you with this blog, to whomever may read it one day would be this;
Times are hard... yes they are! But, we are resilient and if we put our creative minds to it, we can accomplish anything! Just stick with your dreams and before you know it, you dream can become a realty! We have to weather the storm but I promise you that we are not alone in this storm and we will make it through!
I wish blessings to you all! Stay safe, stay healthy, stay creative and inspired!
Our days are different now... people are running around crazy, they are scared and frantic. I completely and whole heartedly believe we will look back on these days and we will be talking about them for years. This year might change how we do things forever! I don't want my blog to be about doomsday talk, I want to talk about inspiration! There are two ways to look at things, we could look at situations with a cup half full viewpoint, or we can look at it in a cup half empty viewpoint! I choose to do the first! I know with my faith in my religion that we will prevail! I am also left with my creative, inspiring way of viewing life, which leads me to create amazing stories.
I feel I have been blessed over the last few years with the ability to receive ideas through my dreams. I have a few good books waiting to come forth, but I feel I need to get through my last two classes in college before I can move forward. I have already completed the timeline for Mystical bounty part TWO! I completely believe that it will be done before the end of the year 2020, then I can move on to my next book!
Sneak peek of my next few books: I don't want to tell too much.. but I will give a little insight into the mind of SL.Bradley!
Intelligence vs. Love. - This story is a love story involving an AI
Broken Memories.- This is a story about a child meeting his deceased grandparent in a dream.
Flavors of forever.- This is a story about mysterious ice cream, and once eaten transports you....
Forbidden love.- This is a tragic love story about a couple on the run from their family.
All of these dreams, with my recent story included.. came from dreams that I have had. When I dream, my dreams are almost as if I am sitting in a movie theater watching them play out. Sometimes they are so intense that I am actually the characters in the storyline and I wake up with a great sense of feelings towards the characters. I have had these kinds of dreams since I was a young child. I just recently started to document them in detail so that I can transport myself back to the dream and turn it into a story.
I have had other dreams as well... these dreams are more faith based. Dreams of crashing planes and myself helping people towards salvation. I haven't documented these to turn into books because that isn't the line of books I wanted to write. But I don't know.. I might change my mind.
Moving on to a different point.. I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur, I just never knew for what. Till just this year my eyes have opened. I am going to do this, by writing books! Why? Because that is a business! That is a career! Its something ive always loved so why not!? Its not a very lucrative career right away, but its something I absolutely love! While looking into publishing my book via audiobooks, I also learned that being a audio actress/producer is a thing! Which leads me to tell you, there are so many options out there that we don't even know about yet!
Well, now I'm looking into doing that! You can do that from a home studio, which could be something as simple as a closet, or you can do it from an actual studio.
Take away I want to give you with this blog, to whomever may read it one day would be this;
Times are hard... yes they are! But, we are resilient and if we put our creative minds to it, we can accomplish anything! Just stick with your dreams and before you know it, you dream can become a realty! We have to weather the storm but I promise you that we are not alone in this storm and we will make it through!
I wish blessings to you all! Stay safe, stay healthy, stay creative and inspired!
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