Nice to meet you!
Hi, My name is Shana!
I'm the author of "Mystical Bounty part one" I have been writing this book for the last three years! With everything that has been going on in my life, I will admit that it wasn't a constant process. I took a LOT of breaks! I'm a mother and a wife first, but also a student. I will be receiving my Bachelors degree in Business management from The University of Phoenix online in June! I have been in college for the last six years!
My writing began when I was young. As a young child I used to love playing pretend, like most children. As I got older I found that I enjoyed writing poems and short stories. At the age of fifteen, I wrote my first novel. It was a fantasy fiction novel about vampires. I never did publish that book, and sadly, I lost track of where it is now. I found myself very discouraged by all of the family issues that I had in my life. My life took a rocky turn when I turned eighteen I gave birth to my first baby! My daughters dad wasn't the best influence in our lives and I had to end up cutting ties with him. Moving on to find the love of my life, my current husband! In October of 2008 I took my daughter trick or treating and shortly after that I had to be rushed to the hospital and they found a blood clot in my lung. I ended up spending my twentieth birthday in intensive care. Scary stuff.
After going forward with life dealing with the routine living paycheck to paycheck, we ended up brining in another two babies. My boys. They are fifteen months apart, because.. well do I need to explain that? :) Life was expensive, but life was good! We had money troubles and living arrangement problems, seeing as the apartment we lived in didn't allow more than four residents, so we had to move in with my husbands mother for a while. That was very difficult, seeing as we weren't alone, my husbands older sibling and her family was living there as well. Quickly we found a house to rent and moved out.
On our own again, that is when things started to take shape! I enrolled in college, I had a good full time job, wasn't anything exciting or fun, I was a janitor at the local high school.. but it paid the bills. My husband was staying home with the children till he could find a job. With my children getting older I had to think about school. I never did want to send my children to public school, for my own personal reasons. So, I worked full time, did full time college (on campus) as well as started homeschooling my daughter. I did this for quite a while. It was very stressful, which lead me to getting an ulcer, which made me feel like I was having a heart attack. Some more scary stuff! My anxiety was already high due to my previous blood clot.
The stress overcame me and I folded. I put my daughter in public school, and I started attending an online college. This way I could still get my education, and my daughter could get hers, as well as work my job and control my stress level. Life isn't always easy, but finding ways to make things work for you, and everyone else is the art of life.
My husband and I bought our first home, then decided for him to finally put the grind on finding him a full time job so that I could stay home and bring into this world, our final addition to our family. We had another little girl! Spunky and sweet, and mommy got to spend all the time in the world with her babies now! I also began homeschooling again, but well, we went on and off with this. I began writing again, once I had free time. It felt amazing.
This leads me to where we are now. We sold our first home and now bought another one, that is currently paid off! Its a fixer upper, and small.. but its not our forever home.. not yet! Once we settled in, I picked up where I left off and I continued to write my book. I took a break from college for six months so that I could devote myself to getting settled into our new home and write my book! Finally this month (March 2020) I finished my book! It felt so unreal! I put in the time to study ways to publish the best way, I bought books, I learned online from other authors, and finally its done, and I am so proud of myself! My children are proud of me.
I wanted to create this blog, to share my way of thinking. I want to share my inspiration. I want to encourage others that if they have a dream, that they should go out and do it! Grab your dream! When you set your mind to something you can achieve anything! I am a dreamer, and growing up I always heard the same thing "Shana, you sure do have a big imagination!" YES I do! I'm very grateful for my big imagination. My brain is constantly set to GO. Even when I am sleeping my brain is running.. like an app in the background. This is where I hope to share some of my running app.
This is the app of Shanas mind...… Be inspired!
I'm the author of "Mystical Bounty part one" I have been writing this book for the last three years! With everything that has been going on in my life, I will admit that it wasn't a constant process. I took a LOT of breaks! I'm a mother and a wife first, but also a student. I will be receiving my Bachelors degree in Business management from The University of Phoenix online in June! I have been in college for the last six years!
My writing began when I was young. As a young child I used to love playing pretend, like most children. As I got older I found that I enjoyed writing poems and short stories. At the age of fifteen, I wrote my first novel. It was a fantasy fiction novel about vampires. I never did publish that book, and sadly, I lost track of where it is now. I found myself very discouraged by all of the family issues that I had in my life. My life took a rocky turn when I turned eighteen I gave birth to my first baby! My daughters dad wasn't the best influence in our lives and I had to end up cutting ties with him. Moving on to find the love of my life, my current husband! In October of 2008 I took my daughter trick or treating and shortly after that I had to be rushed to the hospital and they found a blood clot in my lung. I ended up spending my twentieth birthday in intensive care. Scary stuff.
After going forward with life dealing with the routine living paycheck to paycheck, we ended up brining in another two babies. My boys. They are fifteen months apart, because.. well do I need to explain that? :) Life was expensive, but life was good! We had money troubles and living arrangement problems, seeing as the apartment we lived in didn't allow more than four residents, so we had to move in with my husbands mother for a while. That was very difficult, seeing as we weren't alone, my husbands older sibling and her family was living there as well. Quickly we found a house to rent and moved out.
On our own again, that is when things started to take shape! I enrolled in college, I had a good full time job, wasn't anything exciting or fun, I was a janitor at the local high school.. but it paid the bills. My husband was staying home with the children till he could find a job. With my children getting older I had to think about school. I never did want to send my children to public school, for my own personal reasons. So, I worked full time, did full time college (on campus) as well as started homeschooling my daughter. I did this for quite a while. It was very stressful, which lead me to getting an ulcer, which made me feel like I was having a heart attack. Some more scary stuff! My anxiety was already high due to my previous blood clot.
The stress overcame me and I folded. I put my daughter in public school, and I started attending an online college. This way I could still get my education, and my daughter could get hers, as well as work my job and control my stress level. Life isn't always easy, but finding ways to make things work for you, and everyone else is the art of life.
My husband and I bought our first home, then decided for him to finally put the grind on finding him a full time job so that I could stay home and bring into this world, our final addition to our family. We had another little girl! Spunky and sweet, and mommy got to spend all the time in the world with her babies now! I also began homeschooling again, but well, we went on and off with this. I began writing again, once I had free time. It felt amazing.
This leads me to where we are now. We sold our first home and now bought another one, that is currently paid off! Its a fixer upper, and small.. but its not our forever home.. not yet! Once we settled in, I picked up where I left off and I continued to write my book. I took a break from college for six months so that I could devote myself to getting settled into our new home and write my book! Finally this month (March 2020) I finished my book! It felt so unreal! I put in the time to study ways to publish the best way, I bought books, I learned online from other authors, and finally its done, and I am so proud of myself! My children are proud of me.
I wanted to create this blog, to share my way of thinking. I want to share my inspiration. I want to encourage others that if they have a dream, that they should go out and do it! Grab your dream! When you set your mind to something you can achieve anything! I am a dreamer, and growing up I always heard the same thing "Shana, you sure do have a big imagination!" YES I do! I'm very grateful for my big imagination. My brain is constantly set to GO. Even when I am sleeping my brain is running.. like an app in the background. This is where I hope to share some of my running app.
This is the app of Shanas mind...… Be inspired!
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